Archive | September, 2011

Ugly Guys on Dating Websites! WTF?!?

21 Sep

Have you all noticed how many unattractive guys there are on all the dating sites? I’m talking,,, And why do these ugly guys always seem to be my match despite height, body type and hair type preferences. When I say no bald guys, I mean NO f’ing baldies! Also no one over 38 means that if you are in your 50s you are my parents age and don’t have a chance in hell with me. Go after people your own age you dirty creeps! It’s not that hard. Worse yet the somewhat decent guys, seem to want to get laid on the first date.

Who are all you bitches out there making these guys think that A. If they are ugly they can talk to pretty girls. B. If they have money that looks and hygiene don’t matter. C. If you are somewhat cute…I mean a 5 out of 10 you think you can hook up with me on date 1 and even try sleeping with me.? I don’t care if you have all the money in the world. Don’t treat me like an f’ing pro because I’m not. Go get a hooker and leave me the hell alone!

Girls I’m serious if we demand more from guys they will deliver or else be forced to pay for sex or get it from the strictly ugly girls. I don’t know any girl that has ever thoroughly enjoyed a one night stand…which it WILL BE if you sleep with him on the first date no matter what he tells you. They are awkward and sloppy. You can’t get off with a partner that doesn’t give two shits about you because he’s in it for himself. A two pump chump if you will. So don’t waste your time. Nor will he leave his wife for you so take out your moral compass and get your dildo out. Take care of business on your own before ruining a family over your own insecurities. You are better than that and don’t need to be validated by any guy that only wants sex or to make out. Validate your self with self-acceptance over the situation that you are better than this jerk and your true soul mate is out there waiting for you. If you can’t follow this simple golden woman rule do it for all the other girls that you will be screwing over in your wake after your one night stand. Men are sometimes stupid and they repeatedly do what has worked once and will make you feel bad if you try to reject this abhorrent behavior. Don’t fall for it. Give this new found jerk what he really deserves… a nice case of blue balls.

Guys…step up your game. Take a girl out to a nice place, get her a drink and buy her something to eat and keep your shit in your pants.